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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mastersdegree, and ppl under the stairs.

Soo. Im sorry for blogging whilst drunk. Not a really good idea I can imagine. Well anywyas, Yesterday was the day I got my result of my mastersdegree in law, so so scary. So I was standing in the shower, thinking that I had to check the result. Just pepping my self up to do so. So then I did. And omg.. I screamed the loudest high pitched scream ive ever uttered. I got a B. Im so happy.

So then I had to rush to the store to get some taco stuff, Got a friend coming over and me and her was making tacos and playing super mario. So funny. We suck at it now. I remember I did the whole frekking game in no time when i was a kid. Now we just had a few drinks and laughed our asses off.

Today I just had to call my landlord. The ppl living in the apartment under me was fighting again. I had enough. She was screaming really hateful and psychopathic comments to him, shes not well in the head at all. She told him to get out and he didnt, then she screamed she was going and I so wished that she did. The problem is that she has a son living there. I dont think hes more then 13 years old. Maybe even younger. Shes not a good mother.


So I still cant sleep for some reason. its wierd I was up til really late yesterday and slept all day. Why cant I sleep? I want to be able to relax like fully and utterly and be able to stand in the middle of a forest with no sounds of cars, planes or anything. Just the green smell of pineforest and the sun beaming through the little spikes on the treetops. A little breeze in my hair and limegreen soft, wet moss under my feet.

Mmmmm spring, may it come faster then expected.

Love from me :)

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