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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ikea, The King of Bastøy and WoW

So today I woke up thinking yay, gonna go out shopping for clothes and other goodies.  I was in a good mood but freakely tired after staying up all night. So i had a cuppa tea and tried to get my self in the mood for some shopping.. What to get? Hmmmm. I wanted a new pair of jeans maybe some new tops or sweaters/ hoodies or something else to my liking. Ate a full and good breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs and then a gooood looong shower, but oh wait, No hot water u say? Hmmm. So I just got to get some of the sleepyness off, when the shower was too frekking cold to stand in any longer.

So now off to the shops weeeee.. When i got there i got kinda disapointed cus what I didnt realise was that all the Norwegian population wanted to shop at Sandvika Storsenter aswell. DOH!! So many ppl..  Too many for my liking. So i reatreated to Ikea.... Yes I know.. Ikea is kinda known for being a building filled up with stressy ppl. Still it was less ppl there then at the mall so oh well. Get ur armor on and find those things u really (dont) need, quick lol. I always get tired after Ikea, Always. but this time I was even exhausted.. Got back home and ate a lasagna (nomnom) for then to go the cinema.

Mmm lovely cinema not so many ppl there i recon.... not. Standing in line for about 15 min to buy the popcorn and candy but oh well. I got to see the movie "Kongen av Bastøy which is a film about a correctional "school" for boys from the late 1800 to 1950ish. The main char in the film got to know another boy and they after became good friends, helping eachother out with all the messed up shit they got dragged through. Poor boys :( Anyways its wierd how film works. It triggers ur brain in different ways. What triggered me for some messed up reason was that Ireally really tried to think of if i actually had a friendship with someone, like those 2 boys had. And I can say as of now I dont. And it saddens me in a way. Maybe its because ppl need to go through shit together to gain that uniqe bond or maybe its bcus Im too closed off and a lone wolf to even try to get that type of realationship with anyone. I think its a mix. Still I dont know for sure. Well after the film I felt totally and utterly filled with adrenaline and was like a log. Just thinking that this actually is based on a true story is horriffic.Glad I didnt live in those times. Now ppl (me included) feel "off" if they dont have access to the internet. These guys didnt have access to anything but shit :(. Well im glad I saw the movie made me learn their story and it made me see the perspective of things.

Off to something different. When i got home i watched TBs Azeroth daily, He mentioned that he wanted something other then press button mmo game and I understand him. Im kinda, well not sick of WoW,but theres so much other stuff I wanna do. As TB mentioned in his youtube clip Cata isnt exactly new, not that I really wanted a new game I loved/love WoW but its just the same old race to get gear and the dps race again that makes me just go a bit ugh.. I dunno i guess im having a slight break from it to maybe get on it when ppl have relaxed from the constant stressyness. Just leveling a mage to get a break from the end content seem to fit my spirit atm :) They should do something about TBC contet tho, im very very sick of that now lol, and not to mention wrath omg i so dont wanna do any wrath stuff ever again. yawn. Cata is awsome, im not saying anything else. Its great Blizzard did a fine job but im just so off put by the gear race thats all. Ive done this so many times geared up and then boom new items hurry hurry gear up again. boom new contet.. >_> And if i actually have the gear and im maxed out I feel i have nothing to do lol im strange i guess...

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