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Friday, January 28, 2011

Magicka. Game review

Ive been trying out this new platform rpgish game for the last day. Its very promesing and has a new gameplay style to it. The gameplay is pretty straight forward and u feel like the game is pushing u forward so u dont get "lost". U can choose between several different spells and all of them is build up from the elements. The fun part is to combine different elements and make new ones. U can also play up to 4 ppl together and heal eachother plus ress if thats needed. There is only one class so no tank or healer system. The sweedish new brand Arrowhead did a good job making this all new and inovative new game on the market, and I hope to see more coming from them in the future.

So far I find it interesting but I havent gotten a lot of time to test it out yet.

Price: Its very cheap. U can get it on Steam for 9.99€ So its afordable for most ppl :)

Entertainment: I think its an ok game to play if u have some spare time to kill but I havent been addicted to it or blown away,,, yet. It doesnt make me sit up till late in the night cus I forget time. This is good for RL but kinda not so good if u want a game to get hooked on. I kinda like it when a game blows away 3-4 hrs without me notecing, then I know it makes me drift off into the world and relax. In MY opinion this is not a hobby type of game and rather a fun game to play when u want to chill for an hr or so. If u play it with friends its far more entertaining, and time consuming. :) The humor in the game is awsome even tho the gibberish language can be a bit wierd at times since its incorporating some sweedish words. Its fun tho.

Gameplay: Its an fairly easy game to play. I would recon most ppl will get a hang of it quite fast, even tho mixing the elements takes a bit longer time then just spamming "earth", "fire" etc. U use I think its 8 main spell buttons and then u can, on top of this mix them with eachother. Some elementals dont mix tho so be prepared before poking the big troll.

Systen requirements:
OS: winXP/Vista/7
Hard Drive: 2GB Available space
Memory: 2GB RAM

For this type of game I give it a dice number of 5 out of 6 cus of the new and innovative type of gameplay and the price.

Pluss I really like the underdogs that havent been utterly boosted yet as a company. Yay go sweeds ;)

If ure curious about the game watch a little video here:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The weekend out.

So I was thinking maybe wrting a bit about my experience out on the town on saturday.

I went to a restaurant to havea meal with my friend and her girlfriends that I havent met before. The thing is im really scared of girls, yeah I am... I dunno why but girls have always scared the shit out of me. Maybe thats why I have more guy friends then of the female kind.

So onwards.  The food was nommy and I talked to one of the girls that sat beside me. She was nice and funny so my guard dropped. She asks; how do u have so much energy all the time? I was like Woot?? I always feel tired lol. I guess Im like a dog when I meet other ppl. I get all tail slapping and happy. lol

We went onwards to this club, and we ordered some drinks and talked mainly BS. Then these old and drunk men started to poke me and I was not enjoying that at all. :S Why oh why do one feel the need to poke younger girls in a club for no reason? I dunno I just blank them totally. Maybe thats a bitch move but Im not interested in wasting my time out with ppl I enjoy the company of to talk to a drunken older man.. Lol wierd rephrance but, (OMG the coffe man came to work yaaaaay gotta run out to get one quick!!) like Totalbiscuit says: ure in charge of ur own time consume or something. well in other words, dont let other ppl waste ur time when ure enjoying ur sparetime. So thats what I did, (well always do, lol before TB said that, just so u know:P), I told the man to stop poking me and that I wasnt interested in talking to him.

Im quite strongwilled so If i dont want somthing I say it straight away instead of being all overly polite. It just makes them think they have a shot at it anyways so just slam down straight away, my tip and it works.

Soo after i laughed and drinked and had a great time these guys came up to our table. It was only 3 of us left now, and I was about to leave to catch the last train. They where cool and asked if we wanted to meet up another club later in the night. I was like sorry guys we are about to leave. But they seemd like cool guys that wasnt overly drunk like the older men before. The thing is, lol I dunno if they came over cus of us or cus of my gf that has frekking huuuuge boobs or just cus of me or a mix. Dang it lol. Do I still have mojo or not. At the time it felt like it was cus of me, but after writing this Im really not sure at all. Got a bit full of my self at the club i recon lol.

Ah well pff lol. I dont really care anyways. It was a great night and I had lots of fun. But seriously those old men pissed me off. Oh I almost forgot. I had my video camera with me so when they where poking my pack i started to film them from over my shoulder and said. Ohhh this is gonna be a nice vid on youtube.. They left after that. Seeing as the one of them had a ring on his finger. And dw Im not gonna post the vid of the homewrecker on youtube. But atleast it made them poof disapear. :P

NOW: coffe sun, walk and Urge frekking intence. YEEEHHHAAAAA...

My Pc has arrived !!

Yay finally I woke up early. VERY early!!!! I woke up at 4!! And now im completly tired.
So Ive  been sitting beside the window like a dog waiting for its owner, to see when then coffe shop opens outside.. OPEN!!! OPEN NOWWWWW. I need my coffe badly.

Anyways I got a text from the post office telling me my pc has arrived ahhhhhhhh. Gloria. The thing is I gotta put in 4G to get it to run smoother. Shit. Didnt think of that. Im off to go get it. The sunrise is wounderfulll. So im gonna go for a walk with my coffe go get my pc and head home. Then im gonna do some waights and drink a lot of water. Then off to the lirbrary.

<<<<<Tired face. <<<<<<Boring chick, sigh..

Friday, January 21, 2011

Urge and ID confusion

NOM! Im so hungry! Like utterly HUNGRY!!! I have a sabertooh tiger in my belly roaring at me for not feeding it. SOOO thats what im gonna do. Today have so far been a fairly uneventful day with some minor stuff going on.

1. I ordered my new PC!! Yayyyy its coming soon and it will stay on my Targus chilling lap top cooler and I will hug it and press its pretty buttons! Rawr cant wait..

2. I went to the hall to get dressed and heard my stupid naighburs fight again. Then she said that that I walk around a lot at night!!!! How dare she? Yes I do walk cus I have legs and yes I frekking lives here so yes I AM inficat gonna WALK on top of u guys. U guys on the other hand scream at eachoter like ever yother day! Sigh. some ppl dont have manners nor common sence at all. GROW UP! U have a kid. Now act like a parent and not like a stupid kindergarden brat ( u freak ) lol.

3. I went to the shops to get me some tacos And this soda(pop) called Urge. (Its my FAV, tastes a bit like mountain dew but only much better).

(This is the energy type)

OMNOM! So I asked the guy for a box of snus. Its like a wierd form of tobaco here that is incased in a little "bag" that u place under up upper lip. Yes i know, it sounds eww but I tell u its better then me smoking. I havent smoked in years now. Dont smoke and dont use snus guys! Anyways u have to be 18 to buy it. So the cashier asked me for ID. I was like Weeeee he thinks im 18 !! lol I was happy and he said, Im glad ure happy. So many ppl gets pissed when I ask for ID. I was like WOOOT? why would u get pissed to look young?? I mean in ur life, ure mostly gonna look old not young so why not be happy that u contain ur youth?

Anyways thats all for now. I really gotta eat im so starved. I feel sorry that I havent been sochial today at all but I will be as soon as I get some food IN MAH BELLEH!!!

Signing out <3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The rift-Pc mmo roleplaying game coming out in march

Oh so I was watching the Yogscasts new post about this new game lauching in march. It seems really cool and im planning to get a hold of a beta code, but first I need to get payd ^^. Its called Rift and it looks pretty good indeed :)

Now Im eating eggs and bacon with beans like a propa english, even tho Im so far from it :P

Gonna watch a movie or something. Orrrr go to the store to buy candy. We wouldent want the dentist tomorrow to be sad to not be able to go apeshit on my teeth tomorrow do we?

"Early" bird get the worm?

Yay finally i woke up a bit earlier then I have in a while. Im dead tired tho and kinda in a grumpy mood. Grrrrr Sometimes I wish ppl would just leave me alone. Have u ever had those ppl not understanding that the more they poke u, the more u get sick of them? I want to be able to like, be the poker and not the pokeie lol. Anyways Its a bright sunny day and im intending to do the most of it. Blergh hate needy ppl its annoying as hell. I dont know why but for some reason I dont want my mobile to ring or get texts lol im such an old grumpy lady. I want it to be me that uses it out and not incoming calls or sms. Gosh im starting to get old. Atm I just wanna throw my mobile out the window and never miss it one bit. The thing is that I am gonna miss it and run out and pick up the pieces lol. That reminds me that i really need a new phone but at this rate i cba at all to get one.

The Pc with death and decay!!

So im having a funural... Nono its no biggy nobody died. Just my 3 year old Acer aspire didnt wanna go on anymore. It was fed up and prolly realized that I said or wrote that I wanted a new computer.. So thats what happening guys. Im getting a new one. Writing on a shitty old compaq atm and its frustrating me as theres no tomorrow. Aannyways. A new one yay that will be funnn.  The pic is of the new one im getting Its also an acer aspire but I think its gonna be waaaay faster then the old one i had. This one is a:

Acer Aspire 5742G 15,6" HD LED

Does look a bit black and dull but the inside it pretty ok for my gameplay atleast :)

Anyways goodbye old acer may u never overheat again.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Razor mouse and a lot of gaming


So I still have a fucked up sleeping pattern. Gotta do something about that shit soon enough. Anyways, I met my study buddie the other day and well that was totally cool and I got me this new mouse. Its quite awsome but a liiiiitle bit too small for my taste. The buttons are well maybe too many I cant seem to reach the 10 to 12 buttons and the 2 near the left mouse button is just not usable. Never the less its a cool mouse that works fairly well for playing wow. Wow, sigh been playing it a lot lately. But its fun tho. Was trying to 2 man some Naxx but Patchwerk was too hard for 2 lvl 84s. sigh oh well. Did some normal cata instances too. that wasnt too bad. Kinda enjoyed that tbh.

Was looking around for a headset to use in game as well as for music but it seems there arent such a thing, or maybe Im just too lazy to search too hard for one. Maybe someone has a suggestion? That would make me happy. Neeevertheless I wont buy the wow Creative headset cus it got so many bad comments. The plastic used to make the headset is aparently awful, and might break easely so, no go for me. Besides its only a gaming headset. Meh I might just get me a proper gaming headset, fuck the music lol

Now I will get a new attempt to try sleep

Sleep well. :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mastersdegree, and ppl under the stairs.

Soo. Im sorry for blogging whilst drunk. Not a really good idea I can imagine. Well anywyas, Yesterday was the day I got my result of my mastersdegree in law, so so scary. So I was standing in the shower, thinking that I had to check the result. Just pepping my self up to do so. So then I did. And omg.. I screamed the loudest high pitched scream ive ever uttered. I got a B. Im so happy.

So then I had to rush to the store to get some taco stuff, Got a friend coming over and me and her was making tacos and playing super mario. So funny. We suck at it now. I remember I did the whole frekking game in no time when i was a kid. Now we just had a few drinks and laughed our asses off.

Today I just had to call my landlord. The ppl living in the apartment under me was fighting again. I had enough. She was screaming really hateful and psychopathic comments to him, shes not well in the head at all. She told him to get out and he didnt, then she screamed she was going and I so wished that she did. The problem is that she has a son living there. I dont think hes more then 13 years old. Maybe even younger. Shes not a good mother.


So I still cant sleep for some reason. its wierd I was up til really late yesterday and slept all day. Why cant I sleep? I want to be able to relax like fully and utterly and be able to stand in the middle of a forest with no sounds of cars, planes or anything. Just the green smell of pineforest and the sun beaming through the little spikes on the treetops. A little breeze in my hair and limegreen soft, wet moss under my feet.

Mmmmm spring, may it come faster then expected.

Love from me :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So im drunk

So im drunk. Havent been drunk in a while, not gopod drunk atleast. It was fun meeting my friend and apparently I have a bad sence of time cus I was in town one hr before I was suppose to meet him. Standing in front of the Tiger like some hooker waiting (ps there is like lots of prostitutes in this town, poor girls) So I went inside waiting, thinking the clock on the wall was showing the time one hr off ( I was wrong lol). So we went to yayas.
Awsome food and estetics. Just always awsome. Tried to take him to the other yayas but i think Lady GaGa was there or something. Lots of blitz never the less. So we walked a lot to get to the other one. Staff was so nice and the food was nommy so so nommy. We shared  bottle of wine and talked BS as we always do and remenissing on things we done. Fun and pleasant. So yayas closed at 11 or 23, had to find another waterhole. So onwards to Rock In. Yay cheap beer and great music.
We talked or lets say I talked more BS and we played some pool. I went to pee.... then I heard 2 englishmen ..... in the laidies bathroom..... wtf... so I was trying to take a leak when I heard a snorting sound... so well blergh I went to the staff and told them what I heard. and that there where 2 english dudes in the ladies stall. The bartender was pissed at them. Nice swe kicking them in the nuts. lol I love the staff in rock pubs. :D cheeer!!! He went inside and fixed the mess. So I went back to pee not so unconfortable this time. We had to leave at 3 and I took a taxi home. A really nice pakistani man drove me safely home we talked a lot. I think he liked me, in a friendly way. He waved like a dad when he drove off. what a sweetheart.

Fucking Blizzard wont let me play cus of maintinace. sigh. And I texed my study friend that i wont be able to meet her until 4 cus Im drunk as fuck.
Man... It was an awsome evening. Im gonna miss my friend when im done in Bergen. hes a great guy.

Now im having a hard time sleeping fu blizz. grrr..

love from me

Monday, January 10, 2011

Back from shopping in my jammies :)

So im back from shopping. It was great. I got  coupple of boots (awsome ones :P) Kinda Lara Croftish lols, and a lot of clotes. Even fancy looking ones for a bargain since its january sale, wee ftw.

They didnt have the wow mouse nor the headset :( ButI got Kms balsam and shampoo that smells heavenly. The green one for volume since my hair is flat like a pancake. Gonne snoop around for some nibblies then I might poke my mage for some relaxing gameplay before bed. Oh im gonna meet my friend with the wierd hair tomorrow. That will be fun :)

Hairy shopping and icecream.

Today im retrying the failed attempt to shop for some clothes and other goodies. Just waiting for my frekking hair to dry, its so slow at drying off for some reason. I got a friend where i study.
His hair is Wierd. I remember walking with him to the shops one time and he could just shake his head whilst indoors and his hair was totally dry after... How is that possible? When in the rain the drops of rain just dribbled off his hair like it was waterproof or something. Totally strange. Anyways I was just browsing on youtube one night as i usually do and i came across this channel of a guy with mega long hair. It looked  so very strange. The whole channel it seems, was dedicated to his hair. He looked like a mythical creature, maybe a belf lol.
I dunno im not too keen on shopping today I feel like im coming down with a flu or something again. sigh.

Im gonna grab some indian food whilst there. There is this kebab place that really doesnt look good like the estetics or how u spell it. But still the food is so frekking amazing!!!! Staff is nice and freindly too cant remember the name but i think its called soemthing with tandori. Oh that reminds me when i was in Turkey. They had this shop there that suposedly had the best icecream. I rememeber it tasted rather good creamy and a bit "rubbery" wierd but fun taste. But the best ice cream was in Germany in Mozel. OMG!! they had this italian icecreambar it- was-amazing!!! every icecream taste tasted like the fruit it was made from. Remember liking the coconut and banana the best. Anaywasy signing off to do the bloddy shopping lol.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sleepy sunday

Gosh today I feel like a lump of lard. My fingers are numb after me being a lazy ass. I gotta stop staying up late for no reason!! Really I do. Well tomorrow its a new week, new oppotunities. Waiting for some lasagna in the oven and manning my self up to outside in the snow. Its cold windy and snowy and dark. Kinda cosy but still frekking cold as heck. Anyways, I gotta clean the stairs today since the naighbors did it last week. And let me tell u this, they do like to run up and down the staris a lot with their dirty shoes.. yikes. I dont like cleaning. I dunno its like i become one of those cows that doesnt wanna move. Just get pulled by the rope from their snouts (does cows have snouts? lol), but still they just resist moving and tence up their legs. Thats how my body reacts to do stuff that I really dont wanna do. I become all stifflegged and urgh.

So anyways back to WoW for a sec. I kinda get back some of the urge to play my lil mage today I really cant wait to poke around on it, and figure out new stuff. Its so relaxing and fun just to level that lil thing lol. The thing im kinda sick of in WoW is when I sometimes wanna just be left alone to just take in the world and dream my self away but then constantly get pmed ingame. I know I know its an mmo but still sometimes I do wish I could just chill without having to chat aswell. Dont get me wrong i often love chatting and getting to know ppl and talking bs etc. But as for the time being I really would like to just play a bit. As I wrote before im a lone wolf at this point. Its wierd really sometimes i have these periods of just wanting to be as much alone as possible. I guess its just the way i work. But other times, when im "done" recharging or whatever this is, I really cant get enough of other ppl and dont want to be alone at all. Im wierd like that. Eithe nothing or everything lol.

So well I guess I gotta just do what I gotta do and hope that I actually get some sleep a little bit earlier tonight.

Ikea, The King of Bastøy and WoW

So today I woke up thinking yay, gonna go out shopping for clothes and other goodies.  I was in a good mood but freakely tired after staying up all night. So i had a cuppa tea and tried to get my self in the mood for some shopping.. What to get? Hmmmm. I wanted a new pair of jeans maybe some new tops or sweaters/ hoodies or something else to my liking. Ate a full and good breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs and then a gooood looong shower, but oh wait, No hot water u say? Hmmm. So I just got to get some of the sleepyness off, when the shower was too frekking cold to stand in any longer.

So now off to the shops weeeee.. When i got there i got kinda disapointed cus what I didnt realise was that all the Norwegian population wanted to shop at Sandvika Storsenter aswell. DOH!! So many ppl..  Too many for my liking. So i reatreated to Ikea.... Yes I know.. Ikea is kinda known for being a building filled up with stressy ppl. Still it was less ppl there then at the mall so oh well. Get ur armor on and find those things u really (dont) need, quick lol. I always get tired after Ikea, Always. but this time I was even exhausted.. Got back home and ate a lasagna (nomnom) for then to go the cinema.

Mmm lovely cinema not so many ppl there i recon.... not. Standing in line for about 15 min to buy the popcorn and candy but oh well. I got to see the movie "Kongen av Bastøy which is a film about a correctional "school" for boys from the late 1800 to 1950ish. The main char in the film got to know another boy and they after became good friends, helping eachother out with all the messed up shit they got dragged through. Poor boys :( Anyways its wierd how film works. It triggers ur brain in different ways. What triggered me for some messed up reason was that Ireally really tried to think of if i actually had a friendship with someone, like those 2 boys had. And I can say as of now I dont. And it saddens me in a way. Maybe its because ppl need to go through shit together to gain that uniqe bond or maybe its bcus Im too closed off and a lone wolf to even try to get that type of realationship with anyone. I think its a mix. Still I dont know for sure. Well after the film I felt totally and utterly filled with adrenaline and was like a log. Just thinking that this actually is based on a true story is horriffic.Glad I didnt live in those times. Now ppl (me included) feel "off" if they dont have access to the internet. These guys didnt have access to anything but shit :(. Well im glad I saw the movie made me learn their story and it made me see the perspective of things.

Off to something different. When i got home i watched TBs Azeroth daily, He mentioned that he wanted something other then press button mmo game and I understand him. Im kinda, well not sick of WoW,but theres so much other stuff I wanna do. As TB mentioned in his youtube clip Cata isnt exactly new, not that I really wanted a new game I loved/love WoW but its just the same old race to get gear and the dps race again that makes me just go a bit ugh.. I dunno i guess im having a slight break from it to maybe get on it when ppl have relaxed from the constant stressyness. Just leveling a mage to get a break from the end content seem to fit my spirit atm :) They should do something about TBC contet tho, im very very sick of that now lol, and not to mention wrath omg i so dont wanna do any wrath stuff ever again. yawn. Cata is awsome, im not saying anything else. Its great Blizzard did a fine job but im just so off put by the gear race thats all. Ive done this so many times geared up and then boom new items hurry hurry gear up again. boom new contet.. >_> And if i actually have the gear and im maxed out I feel i have nothing to do lol im strange i guess...