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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Not enough time for games and fun, makes me a sad panda...

Hay and hello there.

I have neglected my blog for ages now, but now I want to go back and write some stuffs. today its Christmas, well we celebrate it the 24st here in Norway. I guess it's more common as 25th in the US? Maybe even the UK? Anyways.... Games! I want to play trough Skyrim at one point but I never get around to it. :/ Mists of Pandaria is fun but I can't seem to be bothered to go into raids or even 5-man HCs. I don't know why that is. At one point I really wanna play wow. Then when I get some spare time on my hands, I just sloth around doing absolutely nothing... Why is this happening?? I just have to get back into habit of playing it again. Cus  I miss it sooo much.

Lately I have been watching a TV series that's called American horror story. Really good series, tho its age limit 18. Oh I forgot to mention. I bought a new house!!! It's getting built atm and Its done in April. Interesting. Me and my hubby are also going away on new year's eve. To Stockholm actually. Hope that's gonna be relaxing and fun. Well that's just a little new feedback and ye. Leave a comment on how to get back into gaming when time makes it hard to be a hardcore gamer, DAMMED U WORK!!. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Im kinda back.

So, hay. Jesus the devorce of my parents have been hard on me but for now im gonna lay it behind and not think about it too much. Hopefully...

I got a new awsome headset its a Tritton AX720 one with a mic that i havent tried out yet. So far its a really confortable headset and it works really well in the videogames i play, which is mostly WoW, lol. U hear the noices from bosses and enemies really good and it makes u stay sharp up with ur gameplay. Tbh I dunno if ive told u this before but I dont see WoW as a game its more like a hobby ^^.  Been gearing my mage now its 85 and is almost all hc geard with one epic. Havent had time to do any raids yet and tbh im not that hyped to do raids yet.

Liking cata more and more tho, so thats cool . Anywyas, hope u have fun and feel free to comment on what ur favourite game or /hobby is. Hope you are well. have fun guys and girls :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Divorce is hard

Divorce is hard. I came home to have a nice time but now its not so fun. Seems my parents are getting a divorce. That means they are gonna sell the house and everything that makes me whole is now ripped up.

My dad lives in another country and he just called my mom and told her that it was over. The thing is that it kinda came out of the blue. He hasnt tried to contact me at all, and I kinda feel its a shitty move...

I dunno what to say or do to make my mom feel better. I dont want to call my dad cus I feel its his move to do so. He hasnt called her in 4 days and they have been talking to echother every day for 35 years.

Atm I dunno what to think or what to belive.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Homecoming cat?

So Im home..

It feels sligthly wierd. I dunno why but for years I havent been able to listen to anyones problems or being there for anyone due to my masterdegree that I have been working on. Now however I feel that I have or to say it in different words, I get more and more energy to be there for others then i have been able too for years. I didnt know I needed this much time to like be "human" again after a shit load of work but it seems thats what it takes after doing a masters.

Anyways, Im planning on well film a lot when Im home. Dunno how much of it will be viewer friendly but maybe I should? Its really pretty with all the snow and such but I dunno how much will be like fun.

Gosh. I dunno how long time its been since i playd wow. Its probably been over 2 weeks of not more. I think im unaddicted to the game now. I get easely bored in there and I feel more and more of my friends are getting the same feeling about it aswell. Its wierd. Here they make a new awsome patch and belive me its so much better then wotlk. I love almost everything about it. I think I mentioned this before. I CBA to grind new gear again!!!! Its done before and it takes such a long tiiiime. Evene if wrath was easy and maybe too easy I still wanted to like poke cata and get all the new gear but then again meh.. Why bother? Its done before and when I get new gear I prolly get bored and do what? Old school raids? (again) I dunno its been done before. I dont feel like cata has anything "new" to offer me. And I feel a bit bleh everytime a new patch comes out and I need to do the grinding of gear over and over. sigh... I dunno its just tedious to me now. Its a shame tho cus I really love /loved wow but I guess its the way all my "love" (lol) relationships (LOL) end. After about over 2 years I get bored and wanna do something new. 

When I get bored I really GET BORED lol.So anyways. I frekking forgot my book :S Im such a stressy freak. I pack 10 min before my train leaves and then boom forgot my book....... whyyyyeeeessssss... A boring book about financial law but anyways it needs to be learned.
shit am I gonna waste 6 hrs on busses and trains to get it back then? grlglggllglglg (murloc sigh) crap i miss wow but i dont wanna play it .

Oh and btw one movie u dont need to watch (well I guess even the cover and the title gave that away) but anyway it suck is: Piranha. I mean if ure a teenage guy and like tits (lol) I guess u might get something out of it, but if ure like shruggy towards the female front parts it got less to offer.

Tomorrow im gonna get some snow away. Its so much snooooowww. Gonna work those muscles mfmf.

Tired face signing off.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Magicka. Game review

Ive been trying out this new platform rpgish game for the last day. Its very promesing and has a new gameplay style to it. The gameplay is pretty straight forward and u feel like the game is pushing u forward so u dont get "lost". U can choose between several different spells and all of them is build up from the elements. The fun part is to combine different elements and make new ones. U can also play up to 4 ppl together and heal eachother plus ress if thats needed. There is only one class so no tank or healer system. The sweedish new brand Arrowhead did a good job making this all new and inovative new game on the market, and I hope to see more coming from them in the future.

So far I find it interesting but I havent gotten a lot of time to test it out yet.

Price: Its very cheap. U can get it on Steam for 9.99€ So its afordable for most ppl :)

Entertainment: I think its an ok game to play if u have some spare time to kill but I havent been addicted to it or blown away,,, yet. It doesnt make me sit up till late in the night cus I forget time. This is good for RL but kinda not so good if u want a game to get hooked on. I kinda like it when a game blows away 3-4 hrs without me notecing, then I know it makes me drift off into the world and relax. In MY opinion this is not a hobby type of game and rather a fun game to play when u want to chill for an hr or so. If u play it with friends its far more entertaining, and time consuming. :) The humor in the game is awsome even tho the gibberish language can be a bit wierd at times since its incorporating some sweedish words. Its fun tho.

Gameplay: Its an fairly easy game to play. I would recon most ppl will get a hang of it quite fast, even tho mixing the elements takes a bit longer time then just spamming "earth", "fire" etc. U use I think its 8 main spell buttons and then u can, on top of this mix them with eachother. Some elementals dont mix tho so be prepared before poking the big troll.

Systen requirements:
OS: winXP/Vista/7
Hard Drive: 2GB Available space
Memory: 2GB RAM

For this type of game I give it a dice number of 5 out of 6 cus of the new and innovative type of gameplay and the price.

Pluss I really like the underdogs that havent been utterly boosted yet as a company. Yay go sweeds ;)

If ure curious about the game watch a little video here:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The weekend out.

So I was thinking maybe wrting a bit about my experience out on the town on saturday.

I went to a restaurant to havea meal with my friend and her girlfriends that I havent met before. The thing is im really scared of girls, yeah I am... I dunno why but girls have always scared the shit out of me. Maybe thats why I have more guy friends then of the female kind.

So onwards.  The food was nommy and I talked to one of the girls that sat beside me. She was nice and funny so my guard dropped. She asks; how do u have so much energy all the time? I was like Woot?? I always feel tired lol. I guess Im like a dog when I meet other ppl. I get all tail slapping and happy. lol

We went onwards to this club, and we ordered some drinks and talked mainly BS. Then these old and drunk men started to poke me and I was not enjoying that at all. :S Why oh why do one feel the need to poke younger girls in a club for no reason? I dunno I just blank them totally. Maybe thats a bitch move but Im not interested in wasting my time out with ppl I enjoy the company of to talk to a drunken older man.. Lol wierd rephrance but, (OMG the coffe man came to work yaaaaay gotta run out to get one quick!!) like Totalbiscuit says: ure in charge of ur own time consume or something. well in other words, dont let other ppl waste ur time when ure enjoying ur sparetime. So thats what I did, (well always do, lol before TB said that, just so u know:P), I told the man to stop poking me and that I wasnt interested in talking to him.

Im quite strongwilled so If i dont want somthing I say it straight away instead of being all overly polite. It just makes them think they have a shot at it anyways so just slam down straight away, my tip and it works.

Soo after i laughed and drinked and had a great time these guys came up to our table. It was only 3 of us left now, and I was about to leave to catch the last train. They where cool and asked if we wanted to meet up another club later in the night. I was like sorry guys we are about to leave. But they seemd like cool guys that wasnt overly drunk like the older men before. The thing is, lol I dunno if they came over cus of us or cus of my gf that has frekking huuuuge boobs or just cus of me or a mix. Dang it lol. Do I still have mojo or not. At the time it felt like it was cus of me, but after writing this Im really not sure at all. Got a bit full of my self at the club i recon lol.

Ah well pff lol. I dont really care anyways. It was a great night and I had lots of fun. But seriously those old men pissed me off. Oh I almost forgot. I had my video camera with me so when they where poking my pack i started to film them from over my shoulder and said. Ohhh this is gonna be a nice vid on youtube.. They left after that. Seeing as the one of them had a ring on his finger. And dw Im not gonna post the vid of the homewrecker on youtube. But atleast it made them poof disapear. :P

NOW: coffe sun, walk and Urge frekking intence. YEEEHHHAAAAA...

My Pc has arrived !!

Yay finally I woke up early. VERY early!!!! I woke up at 4!! And now im completly tired.
So Ive  been sitting beside the window like a dog waiting for its owner, to see when then coffe shop opens outside.. OPEN!!! OPEN NOWWWWW. I need my coffe badly.

Anyways I got a text from the post office telling me my pc has arrived ahhhhhhhh. Gloria. The thing is I gotta put in 4G to get it to run smoother. Shit. Didnt think of that. Im off to go get it. The sunrise is wounderfulll. So im gonna go for a walk with my coffe go get my pc and head home. Then im gonna do some waights and drink a lot of water. Then off to the lirbrary.

<<<<<Tired face. <<<<<<Boring chick, sigh..